No New Illevar Today - Just Reflections on Life

Happy, or hopefully happy, Friday to everyone.

Today, I was originally going to talk and post about the villain for Illevar: the elusive Emperor. 

That changed this morning, however, when Russia invaded and started bombing the Ukraine. 

I watched videos of jets dropping bombs onto civilian housing, people fleeing gunfire, burning buildings, and people doing their best to help others and stay strong. 

This post is going to be a bit of a mess, but let's get through it together. 

Where did all the good people go?

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Dying Days of Decency

It's been a weird and downright depressing time for the world of humanity. I have been able to spend a lot of time at home learning about history, philosophy and more during this continuing pandemic. I'm not talking about Facebook or Twitter learning either. I mean through historical texts, verified papers, and actual experts. 

I've spent too much time watching the wealthy, the evil, and the moronic who support them demolish democracy and decency around the world. 

And I've had enough. 

That said. I am helpless to do anything. I can do small protests, I can donate and I can try to educate. Yet, I cannot help or save or assist anyone who really needs it right now. 

I've spent the days since the pandemic began watching and listening to people who fail to grasp the human cost of their actions. 

Too many dictators lately and too many that support them. 

Helping Ukraine

I'm by no means on expert on world help organizations, so instead I'll direct people to globalcitizen.
They have better knowledge and resources to help guide those who want to help.

What Can I Do?

This question has been enthralling my brain almost everyday for weeks on end for a myriad of topics. Today, let's go over some resources and how you can help by educating yourself and/or by donating. 

The first step, my fellow Americans, is to keep up to date on what your politicians are approving and voting on. Tired of media bias? Check out Congress' own website:

Interested in learning about something from more reliable sources than a shitty photoshopped image on twitter or facebook? Check out official government and scientific organization websites. 
CDC for example.

Looking to learn about something in a more fun way? I recommend CrashCourse on YouTube.

If something is making you uncomfortable or question your perception of the world: good. 

Learning and growth are made when we get out past our areas of comfort. 
I wish I had more to contribute in a positive and informative way. 

I sadly don't. 

Instead of my usual closing, I'm going to close on a quote by Roger Ebert:
"To make others less happy is a crime. To make ourselves unhappy is where all crime starts. We must try to contribute joy to the world. That is true no matter what our problems, our health, our circumstances. We must try. I didn't always know this and am happy I lived long enough to find out."

Thanks for reading. 


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