Characters of Illevar - Part 1: Heroes

Happy Tuesday Everyone! I hope all is well. I will be started up a new job in the next week and posts may slow down as work takes over. 

Today's blog starts a series of blogs about some of the characters that will be included in the premade campaign I am designing for Illevar. These won't show much in terms of mechanics, so if you are waiting for those posts to come back, it'll be a while.

The Playable Characters

These playable characters were based on the originals characters played by my friends in our D&D 5e adventures. They have changed from that time to fit in more with roles and themes of Illevar. I have presented them in their Milanote forms. Milanote is an app I really, really enjoy and I hope people take the time to try to comment on them or on the blog here. 




That's all for Today's Post. Friday we begin our first looks at the Villains. You can always tune in again on Tuesdays and Fridays. Don't forget to follow me on Twitter.


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