Becoming my own IT Support Specialist

A Splendid Tuesday to Everyone

It's been an interesting two weeks as summer has officially begun and I have begun to take online courses to improve my skills. 

I started taking some IT classes on Coursera for upskilling in today's fierce job market. They've been going well enough and I've been having fun learning all the bits, bytes, and blips that make up the technological wonders that have improved and invaded life.

I've also had some time to continue my work on my little fantasy world and made some updates to the Milanote.

Illevar Updates

First of all, Illevar is coming along nicely, but I was not able to get some friends together to test it last weekend due to illnesses and unforeseen circumstances. Although a bit bummed by that, it did give me time to work on the plot, items, and scribble down some other changes.

I updated the layout for the main campaign up to the end of the "tutorial." After this point, the players will have more options for where they can go and what they can do. 

I've also been adding in more items and equipment for the game. 

That's all for this Illevar RPCG update. It's fun to create things, but I am really itching to get in more playtesting.

IT Support Stuff

As I said at the beginning of this post, I started taking some IT Support courses. Being a remote worker, and technically my own business, I have to be my own IT, HR, Manager, Employee of the Month (and Employee in Need of Review...), and more. 

To make up for my lack of IT skill, Coursera seemed like a great place to upskill as I have already used them to get certifications in Transmedia Storytelling and Data Analytics. 

I made it through the first module without much trouble. It was a great introduction course into the terminology and basics of working in IT. I quickly completed it and was awarded my certificate of completion. 

I was excited to share a screenshot of the certificate and, as I was saving the png, my computer decided it was time for a more advanced IT challenge. I received an I/O device error on my media hard drive and lost my original YouTube videos and other media files. I was unable to get power to the drive and when I did the 4TB drive was only showing 500Mb of storage space. Needless to say, that was a bit out of my league. 

The positive news of this is that I didn't lose any important files. I have hardly had the motivation to make a video recently nor the time. Although I'm saddened by the loss of my early works, those can always be remade or rebuilt. 

Copyright, Spongebob Nickelodeon Viacom

Closing Thoughts

That's all for this bi-weekly update. Let's all continue to strive for our dreams; no matter what challenges appear before us. 

That's all for today's post. You can always tune in again every other Tuesday. Don't forget to follow me on Twitter.


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